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Maybe you know a Marjorie Moore; maybe you are one. She’s dauntless, desperate, and a little bit delusional. In her debut novel, Manhattan-based writer Christie Grotheim delves deep into the American heartland to explore a flawed search for fulfillment. Her lovable protagonist’s insatiable desires and misguided antics shed light on our own search for escapes—and search for self—and perhaps that is why we cheer her on wholeheartedly.


Protagonist Marjorie Moore, trying to overcompensate for her difficult childhood, always wants more—and as a result, often feels she ends up with less. Forever searching elsewhere, she is consumed with wanting, or in her opinion, needing. Feeling trapped by her town and her family, she escapes through obsessive shopping, pill popping, and fantasizing about a possible affair with a friend from high school with whom she reconnects on Facebook. Her growing credit card debt “forces” her to sell prescription drugs—which she secures at her receptionist job at the local hospital—to her dysfunctional friends. As her web of lies at home and work unravels, Margie wrestles with whether she is capable of becoming present in her own life.


Astute and provocative, Grotheim’s prose captures many of life’s dichotomies—masks versus authenticity, recklessness versus stability, and searching versus finding—in this moving debut novel.


Click here for reviews from readers!


Christie Grotheim’s debut novel, The Year Marjorie Moore Learned to Live, was published in 2019 by Heliotrope Books. Her stories have been featured in Swing Literary Journal, Harpy Hybrid Review, The Dodge, Sad Girl Diaries, Re: And Ideas Journal,, The New York Observer, Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, and, among others. In 2020, Grotheim and her husband relocated from Manhattan to Ashland City, where she founded Blue Springs Creek Retreats, hosting seasonal writers’ retreats on the property in collaboration with The Porch (, where she’s also a creative writing instructor.


Grotheim lives with her husband, their dachsund and pittie, and a sharp-looking little tuxedo cat who adopted them, as well as the artists and travelers who pass through their retreats and airbnbs.
She keeps busy working on on-going renovations to the property and on-going revisions to her third novel, enjoying the busy and full life on these five acres she now calls home. Follow her on Instagram @christiegrotheim and @bluespringscreekretreats.

PUBLIshed Work


I had fun with this unconventional micro essay / prose poem pontificating on my experience witnessing the eclipse in totality.

hybrid essay on Happy Hybrid Review




On Building a House

Featured in Swing Literary Magazine Spring 2024 Vol. 1, Issue 2



My Meat and My Marrow

A couplet about aging and the evolving body, and dare I say it: menopause.

poem published by Sad Girls Diary, an online literary magazine



Uncomfortably Numb

Retreating during  the height of  the pandemic; but how far is too far?

personal essay on literary journal



Soaring Past My
Midlife Crisis

As 40 approached, I faced many night terrors, but when I grabbed the trapeze, all my anxiety fell to earth.

personal essay on



Where East Meets West

Leaving the comfort of the East Village, a move of two miles felt a world away.

personal essay on


​Petrolicious Series

15-part Series on adventures and breakdowns on an eight-week road trip around the US in an 1979 Lincoln Continental Town Car

essay series for



Photographic Memories

After 9/11, two photographs became

prized possessions

personal essay on



Real Estate Rhetoric:

A User's Guide

Defining the state of Real Estate

in NYC

humor essay on



My Roommate
Ruined My Life

When I moved in with a perfectly lovely women, I discovered just how much I had to hide.

personal essay on




An attempt at self-improvement after a bad break up resulted in faulty dental work and trauma far worse than the break up itself.

long-from personal essay on



Served With Soul

Harlem's Culinary Renaissance

article in Courier Magazine​​

​​​The Client Who Cried Wolf

A designer finds a very creative solution to dealing with a difficult client.

personal essay on



After the Ball Drops

A listical of a cynical New Yorker's New Year's Resolutions that just might not be futile

humor essay for The New York Observer



City Limits

After breaking out of the limits of her small Texas town, it took years to  appreciate coming home again.

personal essay for West View News



What I Found by
Getting Lost

A Guide to Getting Lost in the West Village

article for West View News



A Taste For Trouble

A determined dachshund develops a love of street food.

personal essay on



Marfa, TX

A World of Art Way Out West

article for



Published Work
readings and events

  • Virtual Event: LIVE reading at the KGB Bar!
    Virtual Event: LIVE reading at the KGB Bar!
    Time is TBD
    The KGB Bar Virtual Stories
    Please join me in celebrating my one year book anniversary—while also supporting the legendary KGB Bar—with a live reading of the prologue of my debut novel, The Year Marjorie Moore Learned To Live. I look forward to connecting with those near and far!

Lyrics, Lit & Liquor Reading Series

In January of 2018, I read a humor piece called
"A Second Round of Firsts" on the horrors, er, challenges of aging. Please join me here at
the charming East Village institution 2A and have a listen! 



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